Floral Swing Dress: East Aurora, NY

Floral Swing Dress: East Aurora, NY

In my neck of the woods, it's almost Memorial Day and we're about to unofficially kick off summer. And with that happy thought and a little awkward jig do I greet the long weekend! Whether you're in my neck of the woods or not, I hope you have some R&R planned for yourself this weekend. Although I'll be...

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(Pre-)Spring Florals: Luquillo, Puerto Rico

(Pre-)Spring Florals: Luquillo, Puerto Rico

Oh, if we could go back in time..*insert spacey face* Getting on a plane headed somewhere warm and tropical in the coldest time of the year has got to be one of THE most rewarding feelings ever (right after a killer thrift score, of course! ;)) and we did exactly that...

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Spring Uniform

Spring Uniform

Multitasking is not my strong point, you guys. I'm writing this post between frantic tax form filling (Procrastination is totally my strong point, as you can tell. Also, Turbo Tax may be mankind's best gift to itself.) and staring dreamily into the sunshine-y sky (What? That's a legit evening activity if you haven't seen the sun in six months!), so you know what's up if there's words that you don't recognize along the way. 

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