Jungle Princess

Happy Monday, folks! Wasting no time in taking you guys back in time with me to the Amazonian rainforest in today's post! This is the last and final look from our vacation in Peru, and we shot it on our last leg of the trip on the beautiful property of the EcoAmazonia Jungle Lodge in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon jungle. After having spent a relatively intense week in Cusco and Machu Pichhu, our bodies were begging for some respite and R&R time when we got here! Despite the upward swings in our blood pressure upon the sightings of a large family of Caymans' feeding frenzy, a menacing river otter chase, tarantulas and the footprints of a tapir (if only this childhood dream had been realized by the appearance of the actual animal itself! Sigh.), R&R was what we got, mostly in the form of a continuous supply of fresh fruit daiquiries and endless hours of laughter with friends over memories old and new. Of course, much of that laughter was aimed at my panicked alarm upon finding out that an 'ecolodge'  meant no electricity or internet (Read as: Instagram. :|), but that wasn't anything a little time on the hammock with a nice little novel couldn't fix! It was actually quite liberating to be completely disconnected like that, but I can't say I wasn't some what glad when I switched my phone on back in the city. ;)

We shot this stunning A.T. Avenue maxi dress one evening in the forest, and it resulted in quite a few options for the title of this post. Jungle Princess, Wood Nymph, Forest Fairy, Snake Charmer.. you can take your pick! The rustic print of the dress combined with the gold bordered cutouts combined with the backless detail makes for such unassuming glamour and feminine power.. I almost expected a whistle and a song to summon the equivalent of squirrels and sparrows in the dark and wet rainforests of South America. Not entirely unreasonable of an expectation now, was it? ;) 

Who needs jewelry when there's flash tattoos?! As long as it has taken me to try them, I am now officially hooked! This set from Kouture Tattoos almost seamlessly blended in with my jungle avatar, I thought! ;)

Have a good week, and as always, thank you for reading!
XO Sushmitha :)

                                Dress: c/o A.T. Avenue

                                Flash Tattoos: c/o Kouture Tattoos

                                Rings: From Dylan (Similar here)