Casual In Corduroys

Casual In Corduroys

As you can tell from this post already, it's flowering season here in Bangalore and I couldn't be happier about it. Compare this to my regular December views of blinding snow banks all around, and it almost makes me not want to go back to Buffalo! But Kushal and paychecks await, so I shall have to make do with these pictures until the next winter tropical escape.

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Color Crush: Bordeaux & Grey

Color Crush: Bordeaux & Grey

Mother Nature is smiling in satisfaction right about now, you guys, because this snow storm has shut Buffalo down. I made my way home from D.C. via a very circuitous route late last night after countless flight cancellations, and feel quite fortunate to finally be at home with Kushal in this unfortunate situation. Ohh, the irony of it.

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