Sunday Struggles :: The Confetti Cardigan
/The sunshine’s warming my face, cherry blossoms are smiling hello outside my door and my smile keeps getting wider. Spring is on the upswing, friends!
Since the rain’s left us, I’ve been trying to get outside every chance I get and I can already feel the winter’s languor leaving me. It was with a spring in my step that I joined the bustling crowds at the farmer’s market one recent weekend, my eyes peeled for what might be the last few seasonal bounties of golden beets.
And I don’t know about you, but I find my brain doing a particular kind in dance when I’m in crowded social settings.
Specifically, a social butterfly vs. anti-social recluse dance.
While I walked through this market, I had a a thought bubble that went something like this:
“Ah such a beautiful day! - everyone’s out and about - how nice is this?! - such a lively vibe! - these are my kind of people - I love being here with all of these people! - wow this is a lot of people - would be nice to wrap this up and leave - it is a Sunday after all - Sundays are for quiet inward reflections - where’s a quiet cafe around here - with a sunny window table maybe - would be nice for people watching...”
I mean, 😑😑😑.
Someone tell this girl to calm down already!
I always have this internal struggle. I want to be friends with everyone, but also, everyone is too many ones! But then, I saw myself as if from above, and watched myself stumble on a wayward stroller being commandeered by a hassled millennial mom (the avocados gave her away 😅), smile in acknowledgement at a fellow Indian expat and accept sweet, sweet clementine wedges from a bored-looking sample giving dude.
Well, my floaty above-self thought, like it or not, where everyone is is where it’s at. ❤️
Onwards I went through this lovely and loud market then, stopping at a veggie stall and giggling to myself over a pun that came to mind.
I’d tell you, but you wouldn’t carrot all! 😝🥕
P.S. I did find a cafe after, but only because I was hungry! Pinky swear!
P.P.S. I’ll be giving away one of these adorable balloon-sleeved confetti cardigans on my Instagram next week, so stop by and enter!
Thank you for reading and have a wonderful weekend!
XO Sushmitha :)
Top: Old, Banana Republic (Similar here)
Overalls: c/o Freepeople (Still available in black)
Cardigan: c/o Love, Kuza (Also sold in black)
Hat: Old, Heavenly Couture (Similar here)
Boots: Pretty Small Shoes