Breezy Black Tunic

It's been a momentous week for the K & S household, y'all! The goal of being that double-PhD power couple dream team is now one half achieved as my family and I proudly watched Kushal earn his doctoral degree this week.. yay, science and yay, husbands-who-science! Some pretty big life changes are currently under way, but more on that later. We've been playing hosts to our families from India the past couple of weeks leading up to graduation day, and it's been a lot of grab-and-go OOTDs as we re-visit our city and beyond through their eyes. Grab-and-go would be the exact definition of this look I wore on a recent Spring night outing to watch the sunset by Lake Erie with the fam. A breezy billowy tunic that allows for endless belt-expanding seems to be the solution to all of my problems these days.. Celebration station comes with it's own requirements, eh? ;)

Thank you for reading and have a great week ahead! 
XO Sushmitha :)

                            Tunic: c/o Impressions Boutique

                            Necklace 1 (Fringe): c/o Favery

                            Necklace 2: Old (Similar here)

                            Bag: Old (Love this one)

                            Jeans: Wellbinder

                            Shoes: Charlotte Russe